Sunday, April 1, 2007

The opener.......

It seems like everyone has a blog....If you really wanted to, you could read about a 40 year old mother of four who writes about her trips to the grocery store. I personally havent, but it seems like that is the case.

So why did I start one? Because, like thousands of other people, I needed yet one more thing to encourage procrastination of stuff that is actually important, meaning schoolwork or employment. So what this blog is going to consist of is lots of college football talk, with some random observations from my day-to-day life. Will anyone read it? Probly not.....but the important thing is that I am doing this instead of my senior seminar paper, and that alone is worth the time investment.

1 comment:

Jason Siffring said...

Welcome to the Husker blog-o-sphere! I subscribed to your RSS feed and am looking forward to reading your stuff.

If you're looking for inspiration, you might consider jumping into the latest Big Red Roundtable.

Oh, and I'm glad to see you using our countdown widget. :)

Big Red Network